In a world where fantasy blends into our reality, bringing ancient myths to life as essential parts of our lives, "The Pearl Diver's Daughter and the Cowrie Necklace" stands out as a highlight of the Arabian Gulf's rich heritage. Created by the talented Maitha Al Khayat, this story opens a new chapter in Emirati literature filled with hope, inspiration, and the cherished traditions of the past.
As Moza's eyes open wide to the vast sea, her heavy breathing confirms she's survived. This marks the start of Moza's story, our main character, surrounded by the endless sea. Choosing to fight rather than give up, she sets off to find a deeper purpose. Inspired by the Arabian Gulf's history of sea exploration and pearl diving, the novel beautifully mixes elements of fantasy with real-life challenges, aiming to capture the hearts of readers everywhere.
Maitha Al Khayat, the creative force behind this engaging tale, represents the creativity and inspirational spirit of Emirati women. Born in the desert and growing into a mother of five and a prominent children's book author in the Emirates, Maitha shares the magic of stories with children around the world. She wears her abaya as more than just clothing but as a symbol of strength and hope, spreading joy and optimism through her stories.
Through her partnership with the Sandooq Alwatan for the release of "The Pearl Diver's Daughter the Cowrie Necklace", and choosing Ajyaal Publishing House for its publication, Maitha highlights the importance of working together to enhance our culture and literature. The book is seen as the beginning of future stories that will become legendary, filled with important lessons and values.
Hessa Al Muhairi's captivating illustrations, known for her award-winning "The Dinoraf," go beyond words, adding a unique charm to the book with her artistic skills and lively colors.
Moreover, Maitha's collaboration with the renowned poet and writer Rahaf Al Mubarak brings the narrative to life with nostalgic poetry, reminding us of beautiful memories and the past. This joint effort not only stands as a work of literature but as a complete creative process that brings together the talents of Emirati creators, presenting our national identity in its most beautiful form.
Dr. Abdullah Al Sharhan, the driving force behind Ajyal for Publishing, sees "The Pearl Diver's Daughter," or as he lovingly calls it, "Moza Bint Obeid," as the start of a journey filled with success and inspiration. He believes the book is the start of future creative adaptation across various forms, highlighting its endless potential.
"The Pearl Diver's Daughter" is more than just a story; it's an invitation to dream and to believe in overcoming obstacles, no matter how tough they seem. It reminds us that hope can grow even in the hardest situations, and that the most meaningful stories come from deep human experiences.
A big thank you to Maitha Al Khayat for adding to Emirati literature with Moza's story, giving readers a chance to dive into a world of imagination and inspiration. "The Pearl Diver's Daughter" is sure to touch many hearts, continuing to grow and flourish in the world of literature for years to come.