Why do we take children's books seriously?

Education quality is one of the pillars of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Which the United Arab Emirates was proactive in adopting to achieve a more sustainable future for all human beings.

Quality education can break the cycle of poverty and provide a decent life for thousands of families.

The fourth Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) states:
“Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

However, there are still remote areas that lack school infrastructure or do not have schools at all

To make matters worse, COVID-19 erased 20 years of education gains

Leaving 101 million Grade 1-8 students unable to master reading in 2020

Publishing with Purpose
Ajyaal not only focuses on publishing children's books in Arabic to enhance reading skills, but will also allocate a portion of the proceeds from each book to education support projects around the world in cooperation with Dubai Cares.

Ajyaal is supporting the Education Quality Initiative through the 'One Book on You and One School Day on Us' campaign, in partnership with Dubai Cares. With every book purchase, we allocate five dirhams towards funding a school day for a child in need.

Our Responsibility to Society
One book On You

One Day of Education on Us

Why do we take children's books seriously?
Our main mission is to produce and sell Arabic books for children, from early childhood, with high quality, interesting content, and responsible and sustainable printing.
We take children's books seriously, because they are the door that will make them love all other books. Our vision is to gain as many new young readers as possible, by being the first edition in every home. They are small steps towards an exploratory, aware and self-learning generation. We believe that what we will create today will have an inspiring impact across generations.